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  • jacoblara233

Is Outlook not opening on Mac? Error solved

What can I do when Outlook won't open? The Outlook error can be problematic but don’t be stressed out as this blog will let you know its solutions:

Outlook will not open if there is a corrupted Outlook profile, extension issues, or an older version of the browser. One can fix this error by making some changes to the Outlook account. keep reading this blog to know the solutions:

Why I am not able to open an Outlook email account?

If someone is not able to open Outlook then there can be some serious login issues. These reasons won’t let you start or open the Outlook email account for anything. Before you solve this error, you must first understand what its possible reasons are. Outlook won't open on MAC because of these given reasons:

· If there’s a corrupt outlook profile

· Some wrong or faulty add-ins can also cause this error

· The outdated version of Windows or Outlook might be also a reason behind this error

· Wrong details of login will also not let you to sign in.

What to do if Outlook is not working on Mac?

Check these three crucial ways to solve Outlook issues on Mac:

Disabling the extensions

If a user of Outlook is using multiple extensions or add-ins then you might get the issue in opening Outlook on Mac. Sometimes, two or more extensions can disturb each other’s features resulting in improper functioning of Outlook. So, you can either disable one or all the extensions from the toolbar to get this issue be fixed.

Check for viruses on the system

It’s common to be attacked by viruses which ultimately cause issues in opening an Outlook account. If you’re using Outlook on Mac and you are not able to open it then there’s the possibility of a virus attack. In such a situation, you must install and run security programs or antivirus to get this issue fixed.

Try creating a new profile on Outlook

If you’ve tried so many times to open the Outlook app but it is still not working then your profile might be a reason for this. So, create a new profile with the help of Outlook Profile Manager. Make sure to follow this step if your old profile is corrupted.


It’s a fact that Outlook won't open on Windows or Mac if there are viruses, corrupted profiles or extension-related issues. For a user’s convenience, we have gathered here all the reasons and possible solutions to fix this outlook error with ease.


How to fix if Outlook is not opening on Windows?

Try clearing your web browser or creating a new Outlook profile to fix such issues.

Why my outlook has stopped working?

If there’s any damage during the installation process then you might face this issue.

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